If you intercept port 443 and want to authenticate HTTPS, you also require: An "A" record in your internal DNS server that points the hostname specified in the virtual URL to the proxy's IP address.A virtual URL that is a single hostname (e.g., For more information on setting up a virtual URL, see Article ID: 167387.).For more information on authentication modes, see Article ID: 166803. The preferred authentication mode for transparent is "Origin cookie redirect". Internet Explorer does not blindly send credentials to the internet zone, but it does for the intranet zone. Client makes the request to the original and includes the authentication cookie.įor this to work, the virtual URL has to be a simple hostname (e.g., not a hostname and a domain (e.g., ) so that the browser can recognize the virtual URL as part of the intranet and not the internet.Proxy validates the credentials, sends a redirect back to the original URL, and includes a set-cookie header (if the surrogate is a cookie).Proxy responds with an HTTP 401 status (Unauthorized).Client sends the request to the virtual URL.The virtual URL, which is configured as part of the realm, is used for redirection. For authentication to work in a transparent implementation, redirection must occur. The proxy cannot send an HTTP 407 status because the browser is not aware that it is going through a proxy. Of the two types of proxy implementation, authenticating for transparent proxies is more complex. The preferred authentication mode for explicit is "Proxy". There are no special requirements for HTTPS. A web authentication layer and the necessary authentication rule.Client returns the original GET request with the correct credentials.Proxy responds with an HTTP 407 status (Proxy authentication required).Client sends the original request, e.g., GET.In an explicit implementation, the proxy sends an HTTP 407 status (Proxy authentication required) for HTTP and HTTPS requests.
Em client proxy authentication how to#
Most browsers know how to handle proxy authentication, and HTTPS requests have a clear-text "Connect" request made to the proxy, which is easy to authenticate. Of the two types of proxy implementation, authenticating for explicit proxies is simpler.